Rural and Environmental Planning Consultants

Ian Sinclair
Personal Details
Name: Ian William Sinclair Address: PO Box 1858, Bowral, 2576 Date of Birth: 19 January 1963
- PhD Candidate: University of Sydney 2011 to present
- Bachelor of Town Planning: University of NSW, 4 May 1987
- Certificate in Economic Development (Indiana Economic Development Academy, USA), March 1999
- Certificate as Town and Country Planner, 23 May 1991
- Member Planning Institute of Australia, 1 July 1992
- Fellow Planning Institute of Australia, 8 November 2005
- Member American Planning Association, March 1994
- Edge Land Planning - Formed August 1996
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment.
Part time lecturer - Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues, 1998 to present
Lecturer Metropolitan Policy 1998 to 2001
Lecturer Comparative Growth Management - USA and Australia 2002
Lecturer Rural Planning 2003 to present
Lecturer Strategic Planning 2011
- Wollondilly Shire Council
Strategic Planner - 28 May 1990 (Responsible for managing
Strategic Planning Branch from January 1991)
Manager Strategic Planning May 1994 to 27 November 1998
- Wingecarribee Shire Council
Town Planner - 24 November 1986 to 25 May 1990
- Orange City Council
Temporary Environmental Planner - 11
November 1985 to 3 March 1986
- Forbes Shire Council
- Student Town Planner - 16 July 1984 to 12 July 1985
Projects Undertaken
EDGE Land Planning
- Armidale Dumaresq Rural Residential Study
- Baulkham Hills Rural Lands Study and Strategy
- Bellingen Growth Management Study and Strategy
- Bellingen Industrial Lands Study
- Bourke Shire Strategy, LEP and DCP
- Brewarrina Shire LEP and DCP
- Brimbin Development Strategy and Structure Plan
- Camden Rural Strategy
- Central Darling Shire Strategy, LEP and DCP
- Cessnock Citywide Settlement Strategy Community Consultation and Agricultural Issues Paper
- Eurobodalla Rural Strategy (Peer Review)
- Forbes Shire Growth Management Strategy and LEP
- Gladstone Rural Living Strategy
- Great Lakes Rural Living Strategy
- Great Lakes LEP
- Gunnedah Rural Strategy
- Hawkesbury Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy
- Hornsby LEP Rural Provisions
- Hunter Valley Wine Industry Association:Submission to Cessnock City Council Draft LEP and DCP
- Jervis Bay Settlement Strategy
- Kiama LEP Review Rural Components
- Land and Environment Court Appeals Expert Witness for Appeals on Rural Subdivision, Schools in Rural Areas & Rural Sheds
- Liverpool Plains Growth Management Study and Strategy and LEP
- Maitland Rural Strategy (Advisor to Council)
- Moree Plains Shire Growth Management Strategy
- Mount Lofty Ranges Water Protection Area - Review of Criteria for Development on vacant land for South Australian EPA
- Mudgee Rural Lands Study and Strategy
- Namoi Catchment 2030 Resource Strategy (in association with Parsons Brinkehoff and Centre for Agricultural and Regional Economics)
- Narrabri Shire Rural Residential Strategy
- Narrabri Shire Rural Dwelling House Minimum Lot Size Study
- Narrabri Growth Management Strategy
- Parry Rural Lands Study, Strategy and LEP
- Penrith Rural Lands Study and Strategy
- Port Stephens Rural Lands Study and Strategy
- Shellharbour Rural LEP and DCP
- Shoalhaven Citywide Settlement Strategy
- Socio-Economic IMpact of COtton Communities in NSW and Queensland (in association with Centre for Agricultural and Regional Economics and Judith Stubbs and Assoicates)
- Snowy Mountains Rural Density Study
- Sydney Drinking Water Catchment REP - investigations into various aspects of rural land use for Sydney Catchment Authority.
- Tamworth Development Strategy (Rural components)
- Taree Conservation and Development Strategy and LEP
- Toowoomba Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Activity Study
- Walgett Growth Management Study and Strategy, LEP and DCP
- Warrumbungles Shire Strategy (in association with Andrews.Neil)
- Wingecarribee Shire Rural Dwelling House Minimum Lot Size Study
- Western Sydney Rural Land Use Study for Department of Planning
- Western Sydney Parklands Agriculture Strategy for Department of Planning
- Whitsunday Rural Lands Strategy
- Yass Valley Rural Lands Study and Strategy and Industrial Lands Study (Peer Review)
Wollondilly Shire Council
The following documents were prepared by me or by Staff under my supervision.
- Project Manager - Wollondilly Heritage Study
- Project Manager - Yerranderie Heritage Study
- Project Manager - Wollondilly Agricultural Lands Study
- Project Manager - Cawdor Local Environmental Study (Purdon Associates)
- Project Manager - Bushrangers Creek Rural Residential Local Environmental Study (Purdon Associates)
- Wollondilly Cycleways Study - Precinct 3 (Cycle Planning P/L)
- Project Manager - Camden Valley Rural Residential Local Environmental Study
- Project Manager - Wollondilly Riparian Lands Study
- Wollondilly Rural Residential Study
Local Environmental Plans
- Cawdor Urban Release Area
- Review of Rural Lands
- Bushrangers Creek Rural Residential Release
- Camden Valley Rural Residential Release
- Menangle Heritage Conservation Area
- Various Spot and minor LEP's
Development Control Plans
- Cawdor Urban Release Area (Draft)
- Bushrangers Creek Rural Residential Release
- Camden Valley Rural Residential Release
- Menangle Heritage Area
- Poultry Farming
- Agricultural Landscape Zone
- Agriculture Zone
- Rural Living
Planning Strategies
- Warragamba Silverdale Structure Plan
- Picton Township Strategy
- Buxton Couridjah Strategy
- Picton Tahmoor Thirlmere Strategy
- Wollondilly Growth Management Strategy
- Wollondilly Heritage Strategy
- Wilton Strategy
- Appin Strategy
- Bargo Strategy
- Douglas Park Strategy
Facilitation of Strategies etc.
- Picton Township Strategy
- Macarthur Country Tourism Board Strategic Plan
- Sustainable Agriculture in Sydney Strategic Plan
- MACROC Waste Management Issues Paper
- Wollondilly Poultry DCP
- Wollondilly Growth Management Strategy
- Various studies and Strategies mentioned above for Wollondilly Shire Council
Wingecarribee Shire Council
- Assessment of Development Applications for Industrial, Commercial, Tourism and Agricultural Developments as well as
Rural, Rural Residential and Urban Subdivisions.
- Development and Subdivision assessment for Berrima and other Heritage areas.
- Co-ordinator of Mittagong Commercial Area Advisory Committee.
- Council Liaison with University of NSW Student Project - Impact
of the Hume Highway Bypass on the Commercial Area of Mittagong.
- Co-ordinator and Representative on Wingecarribee Shire Design Awards Committee.
- Project Manager - Masterplan for Hume Highway
Mittagong (Consultancy).
- Wingecarribee Development Control Plan No. 14 - Historic Berrima.
- Hill Top Environmental Study.
- Balmoral Environmental Study.
- Hill Top Draft Development Control Plan.
- Draft Local Environmental Plans - Hill Top and South Berrima.
- Demographic database and Population
Orange City Council
- Lucknow Local Environmental Study
- Spring Hill Local Environmental Study
Forbes Shire Council
- Forbes Shire Local Environmental Study
- Forbes Shire Local Environmental Plan 1986
- Forbes Draft Rural Residential Development Control Plan
- Forbes Draft Flooding
Development Control Plan
Committee Representation
- Berrima Village Advisory Committee
- Camden Urban Lands Strategy Working Party
- Hawkesbury Nepean Advisory Committee - Environment and Scenic Quality Working Party
- Hawkesbury Nepean Advisory Committee - Rural Lands Working Party
- Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Trust Planning Guidelines for Cumberland Plain Woodland Steering Committee
- Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Trust Selection Panel for Upper Nepean Catchment Management Committee
- Macarthur South Regional Environmental Study Working Parties
- MACROC Waste Management Working Party
- MACROC Pollution Control Guidelines Steering Committee
- Mushroom Composting Guidelines Working Group
- NSW Government Intensive Agriculture Consultation Committee
- Planning Institute of Australia NSW Divisional Committee (1998 - 2004, 2010 to Present)
- Planning Institute of Australia Policy and Environment Committee (1994 - 1995)
- Planning Institute of Australia Local Government and Regional Affairs Committee (1995 - 2002)
- Planning Institute of Australia Planning Excellence Awards Committee (1997 - 1998)
- Planning Institute of Australia NSW Member Services Committee Chair (2000 to 2003)
- Planning Institute of Australia 2002 National Congress Organising Committee
- Planning Institute of Australia Local Government Planning Network Committee (2003 to 2005)
- Planning Institute of Australia National Membership Committee (2005 to present)
- Planning Institute of Australia 2008 National Congress Organising Committee
- Planning Institute of Australia National Education Committee (2011 to 2013)
- Planning Institute of Australia Life Long Learning Advisory Network (2013 to present)
- South West Sydney Planning Liaison Committee
- Strategic Plan for Sustainable Agriculture - Sydney Region Steering Committee and Working Group
- Sydney to Canberra Corridor Strategy Employment and Economic Activity Working Party
- Sydney to Canberra Corridor Strategy Settlement and Infrastructure Working Party
- Western Sydney Alliance Against Second Sydney Airport Technical Committee (Chair)
- Western Sydney Planners Network (Chair) 1998 - 2001
- Wingecarribee Rivers Committee
- Wollondilly Agricultural Lands Study Steering Committee
- Wollondilly Shire Catchment Committee (Chair)
- Wollondilly Heritage Study Steering Committee
- Wollondilly Heritage Strategy Advisory Group
- Wollondilly Poultry Development Control Plan Steering Committee
- Wollondilly Regional Open Space Section 22 Committee
- Wollondilly Riparian Lands Study Advisory Group
Presentations and Papers
In addition to the various presentations to local community groups and Council, I have made the following presentations and papers.
- MACROC Residential Seminar, Campbelltown.
- Sydney Water Board Planning Seminar - Paper on Planning in the Catchment
- MACROC Urban Development Forum, Campbelltown.
- NSW Agriculture Environment Officers Seminar, Menangle.
- RAPI Conference - Paper " The Local Planning Response to
Land Use Change on the Urban Fringe", Penrith.
- Environmental Planning Course for Agriculture - Paper " Future
Perspectives for Agriculture in the Sydney Region - A Local Government
View", Tocal.
- Hawkesbury Nepean Forum - Paper "Planning for Balanced Urban and Rural Development", Richmond.
- Country owns and Rural Areas Planning and Development: The
Agenda for the Nineties - Paper "Should High Quality Farmland be
Protected? If so How?, Bendigo.
- University of NSW School of Town Planning - Guest Lecturer, Metropolitan Fringe Planning Issues,
- American Planners Association National
Conference - Paper "Planning for a Balance between Urban Growth and Agricultural Production on the Fringe of Sydney", San Francisco, USA.
- Australian Society of Animal Production The Future of Intensive Animal Production in the Sydney Region, Richmond.
- University of NSW School of Town Planning - Guest Lecturer, Metropolitan Fringe Planning Issues, Kensington.
- Agriculture and Rural Industries on the Fringe - Paper "When Rural meets Urban",Melbourne.
- University of NSW School of Town Planning, Planning Law and Practice Short Course - Paper "Planning on the Rural - Urban Fringe", Kensington.
- Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Trust Rural Residential Development, Richmond.
- American Planners Association / Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference Paper " Planning for Growth Management on the Fringe of Sydney", Toronto Canada.
- Universities of
Tennessee, New York, Kansas State, USA - Rural Planning in Australia.
- The Metropolitan Strategy and Regional Futures -
A Local and Global Perspective, University of Western Sydney, Milperra.
- Protect Your Greatest Asset The Family Farm NSW Farmers Association, Sydney
- NSW Agriculture Environment Officers Conference - Wollondilly Review of Rural Lands, Picton.
- University of Wollongong Faculty of Law, Natural Resources Law and Policy Course Guest Lecturer, Rural and Fringe Metropolitan Planning Issues, Wollongong.
- University of NSW School of Town Planning, Planning Law and Practice Short Course - Paper "Planning on the Rural - Urban
Fringe", Kensington.
- Hawkesbury Nepean Catchment Management Trust Planning for Rural Areas - the Key Role of Local
Government, Richmond.
- University of Sydney, Master of
Heritage Course, Guest Lecture, Heritage Planning on the Metropolitan Fringe, Picton.
- Scone Shire Council Rural Planing Forum - Paper "Rural Planning and the Fractured Farm", Scone.
- Wollondilly Review of Rural Lands Seminar - Paper "Rural Planning on the Fringe of Sydney", Picton.
- University of Technology Sydney Master of Planning Course, Guest Lecturer - Rural and Fringe
Metropolitan Planning Issues, Sydney.
- University of Wollongong Faculty of Law, Natural Resources Law and Policy Course Guest Lecturer -
Rural and Fringe Metropolitan Planning Issues, Wollongong.
- University of NSW School of Planning and Urban Development, Planning Law and Practice Short Course - Paper "Planning on the Rural - Urban Fringe", Kensington.
- Sustainability and Local Environments, Myths, Models and Milestones - Paper "Growing Food
and Growing Houses - Growth Management on the Fringe of Sydney", Sydney.
- Wollondilly Residential Development Strategy
Seminar - Paper "Wollondilly Draft Residential Strategy - A Growth Management Concept", Picton.
- Ball State University (USA), Lecture Wollondilly Review of Rural Lands, and Picton.
- Fostering Fringe Planning - Foresight or Folly, Illawarra Planners Group, Albion Park.
- Institution of Surveyors Cumberland Group
1997 Development Seminar - Paper "Agricultural Land is a Development Constraint", Sydney.
- NSW Agriculture Environment Officers Workshop - Preparation of Rural Lands Studies, Windsor.
- Rural Australia 2000 - Paper "Growing Food and Growing Houses - The Preservation of Agricultural Land on the Fringe of Sydney", Wagga Wagga.
- University of NSW School of Planning
and Urban Development, Guest Lecture, Year 4, Planning Issues on the Fringe of Metropolitan Sydney, Kensington
- Royal Australian Planning Institute (NSW) Annual Conference - Paper "Agricultural Land is Constraint to Growth Management", Armidale
- University of Wollongong Faculty of Law, Natural Resources Law and Policy Course Guest Lecturer - Rural and Fringe Metropolitan Planning Issues, Wollongong.
- University of NSW School of Planning and
Urban Development, Planning Law and Practice Short Course - Paper "Growth Management and Agricultural Land", Kensington.
- American Planning National Conference Paper Metropolitan Fringe Issues in Australia, Boston, USA.
- Kansas State University, College of Architecture, Planning and Design, Guest Lecturer, US and Australian Planning Law - Comparisons and Differences. Kansas USA
- American Farmland Trust, Agricultural Land Preservation in Australia, Washington DC, USA
- Ontario County Rural Planning Forum, Why Farmland Should be Preserved, Canandaigua, New York, USA
- Western Sydney Planners Network - Planning in the USA
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning Law and Practice Short Course - Paper "Growth Management and Agricultural Land", Kensington.
- Southern Cross University, School of Resource Science and Management, Guest Lecturer, Land Use Planning Subject, Rural Planning, Lismore.
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning Law and Practice Goes Bush - Papers: "Growth Management and Agricultural Land", "Why is Economic Development a Planning Issue?" and "Conducting a Small Town Charrette", Coffs Harbour, Orange and Wagga Wagga.
- University of Canberra Master of City Development, Guest Lecturer, Planning and Development in Large, Rapidly Growing Cities Unit - Land Development at the Urban Fringe, Responsibilities in Statutory Planning and Residential Estate Development, UTS, Sydney.
- Shellharbour City Council Rural Land Study Project - Sustainable Agriculture and Settlement Options Workshops, Shellharbour.
- University of Technology Sydney, Faculty of Design Architecture and Building, Guest Lecturer, "Planning on the Fringe of Sydney" and "The Urban Development Program and Infrastructure Planning", UTS, Sydney.
- Royal Australian Planning Institute National Congress - Paper "Is there a future for Australia's Agricultural Land", Darwin
- University of Sydney Planning Research Centre - Paper "Economic Development is a Planning Issue" and "Facilitating Charrettes", Sydney
- Royal Australian Planning Institute NSW State Conference - Paper"From Strategy to Plan - Planning for Rural Land", Batemans Bay
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning Law and Practice Short Course - Papers: "Growth Management and Agricultural Land", "Why is Economic Development a Planning Issue?" and "Conducting a Small Town Charrette"
- University of NSW Guest Lecturer: Ecologically Sustainable Development in Local Government; Economic Development and Facilitating Charrettes
- The Wetland Centre Australia, Wise Use of Wetlands: Ramsar in the Hunter, Paper: Strategic Planning - Meeting the Challenge of Urban, Agricultural Land and Ecological Sustainability, Newcastle.
- Port Stephens Council - Rural Land Use Seminar, Presentation: Experiences in the Management of Rural Land and Rural Land Use Conflict
- American Planning National Conference, Paper: Strategic Planning in Rural Australia, New York City, USA.
- University of Canberra Master of City Development, Guest Lecturer, Planning and Development in Large, Rapidly Growing Cities Unit - Land Development at the Urban Fringe and Residential Estate Development, UTS, Sydney.
- University of Wollongong, Faculty of Applied Science, School of Geography, Guest Lecturer - Planning issues on the Metropolitan Fringe
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning Law and Practice Goes Bush - Papers: "Growth Management and Agricultural Land", "Why is Economic Development a Planning Issue?" and "Conducting a Small Town Charrette", Wagga Wagga and Dubbo.
- NSW Agriculture and South East Horticultural Producers Association Seminar - Benefits of Protective Structures, Presentation: Protective Structures - land use and dealing with Local Councils
- University of Wollongong, Faculty of Geosciences, Guest Lecture on Rural Planning Issues, Wollongong.
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning and Urban Development Program, Guest Lecturer, Year 3 Field Trip to Shoalhaven and Shellharbour
- Royal Australian Planning Institute (NSW) Annual Conference - Paper "Settlement Strategies", Port Macquarie
- University of Canberra Master of City Development, Guest Lecturer, Planning and Development in Large, Rapidly Growing Cities - Land Development at the Urban Fringe, Responsibilities in Statutory Planning and Residential Estate Development, UTS, Sydney.
- Macarthur Agritourism Forum - Presentation on Planning and Sustainable Agriculture, Camden
- Royal Australian Planning Institute National Conference - Paper "Zoning for Sustainable Rural Development", Canberra
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning and Urban Development Program, Guest Lecturer, Economic Development is a Planning Issue and Facilitation, Community Consultation and Conducting a Small Town Charrette, Kensington.
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning Law and Practice Short Course - Papers: "Growth Management and Agricultural Land", Kensington.
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning and Urban Development Program, Guest Lecturer, Economic Development is a Planning Issue and Facilitation, Community Consultation and Conducting a Small Town Charrette, Kensington.
- Royal Australian Planning Institute / New Zeland Planning Institute National Conference - Paper "Zoning Rural land in Australia", Wellington, New Zealand.
- American Planning National Conference, Presentation Planning on the Fringe of Sydney, Chicago, USA.
- American Planning National Conference, Paper Planning for Wine Based Tourism, Chicago, USA.
- Ontario Professional Planning Institute Presentation Can Development on Sydney's Fringe be Sustainable, Toronto, Canada.
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning and Urban Development Program, Guest Lecturer, Economic Development is a Planning Issue and Facilitation, Community Consultation and Conducting a Small Town Charrette, Kensington.
- Hunter Planners Network, Presentation - Zoning for Rural Land, Cessnock.
- Hornsby Shire Rural Residential Workshop, Presentation on Rural Residential Development, Hornsby
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning and Urban Development Program, Guest Lecturer, Economic Development is a Planning Issue and Facilitation, Community Consultation and Conducting a Small Town Charrette, Kensington.
- University of Canberra Master of City Development, Guest Lecturer, Planning and Development in Large, Rapidly Growing Cities - Land Development at the Urban Fringe, Responsibilities in Statutory Planning and Residential Estate Development, UTS, Sydney.
- NSW Farmwriter's Association Presentation - The Future of Agribusiness in Sydney, Sydney.
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning and Urban Development Program, Guest Lecturer, Year 3 Field Trip to Shoalhaven and Shellharbour
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning Law and Practice Short Course - Paper: "Growth Management and Agricultural Land" Kensington.
- Planning Institute of Australia, National Conference, Paper: "What About Rural Design?" Adelaide
- Planning Institute of Australia Local Government Planning Network Forum, Presentation on Community Consultation
- Murrumbidgee Murray Albury Planning Group, presentation: "Rural Living - Land Wanted or Land Wasted", Albury
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Rural Planning Law and Practice in Development Control Short Course, Dubbo, Bathurst, Course Director and Presenter
- State of Australian Cities Conference, Paper: "From the Outside Looking In - Planning and Land Management in Sydney's Fringe", Parramatta
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning and Urban Development Program, Guest Lecturer, Year 3 Field Trip to Shoalhaven and Shellharbour
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Rural Planning Law and Practice in Development Control Short Course, Tamworth, Dubbo, Bathurst, Wagga Wagga and Queanbeyan, Course Director and Presenter
- Planning Institute of Australia, National Conference, Paper: "From the Outside Looking in - Development on the Fringe of Sydney, Hobart
- Planning Institute of Australia Local Government Planning Network Forum, Presentation on Rural Strategies
- American Planning National Conference, Paper: "Managing Growth into the Countryside", Washington DC, USA.
- University of Pennsylvania, Planning Program, Guest Lecture Metropolitan Planning and Sydney's Fringe, Philadelphia
- NSW Agriculture, Hunter Rural Planning Workshop. Presentation: Planning for Agriculture in the Hunter Region, Tocal
- NSW Farmers Association Poultry Committee Conference. Presentation: "From the Outside Looking In - the Complimentary Complexity of Sydney's Rural Land", Sydney
- University of Hawaii, Planning Program. Guest Lecture on Planning in Australia
- Hawaii Congress of Planning Officials American Planning Association Hawaii Chapter Conference. Presentation: "I like it like that - Creative Development Strategies, Character, Identity and Vitality in Our Communities", Honolulu
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning and Urban Development Program, Guest Lecturer, Year 3 Field Trip to Shoalhaven and Shellharbour
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning Law and Practice Short Course - Paper: "Preparing Rural Strategies" Kensington.
- NSW Farmers Association Horticulture Growers. Presentation: "The Complimentary Complexity of Sydney's Rural Land - Options for the Future", Sydney
- NSW Farmers Association. Presentation: "Growing Food and Growing Houses - Preserving Agricultural Land in Sydney", Sydney
- Planning Institute of Australia, National Conference, Paper: "Sea change, the Reality - Impact on Coastal Towns and Villages", Melbourne
- Planning Institute of Australia Young Planners Conference. Panel of Planning Wisdom
- NSW Farmers Association Executive Council Meeting. Presentation: "Planning for Rural Land", West Wyalong
- Planning Institute of Australia Local Government Planning Network Forum, Presentation on Rural Local Environmental Plans, Shoal Bay
- Environment Development and Allied Professionals (EDAP) Conference, Presentation on Economic Development for Rural Towns, Orange, NSW
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Zhengzhou Municipal People's Government, China - Short Course on Australian Government Administration, Sydney
- Planning Institute of Australia, South Australian Division Conference. Presentation on Planning for the Future of Rural Land, Adelaide, South Australia
- Griffith University Urban Research Program. Presentation on Rural Land in Sydney Region, Brisbane, Queensland
- Queensland Rural Planning Seminar. Presentation on Planning for Rural Land, Brisbane, Queensland
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Planning and Urban Development Program, Guest Lecturer, Year 3 Field Trip to Shoalhaven and Shellharbour
- Planning Institute of Australia, NSW Divisional Conference. Presentation on Planning for Fringe Metropolitan Rural Landscapes, Penrith, NSW
- Planning Institute of Australia, NSW Young Planners Forum. Presentation on The Ageing Future, Penrith NSW
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Rural Strategic Planning Short Course, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga
- FutureShock Conference Debate: Are we approaching sustaiability correctly? Brisbane
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Rural Strategic Planning Short Course, Tamworth and Wagga Wagga
- Planning Institute of Australia Illawarra Planning Seminar, Presentation: Lifestyle Living Impacts
- American Planning National Conference, Paper: "Moving out of Metro - Comparrisons of Lifestyle Living in USA & Australia", San Antonio, Texas, USA.
- NSW Farmers Association, Central Coast Branch. Presentation: "Planning on the Edge", Gosford
- Planning Institute of Australia, NSW Division Seminar. Presentation: "Using Photography as a Planning Tool", Sydney
- Planning Institute of Australia Young Planner's Forum Planning Perspectives Panel
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Rural Development Control Short Course, Wagga Wagga
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment, Rural Development Control Short Course, Tamworth
- British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture and Food Dialouge on the Edge, Presentation: Perspectives from Sydney and Vancouver
- American Planning National Conference, Paper: "Planning on the Metro Fringe", Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Environment Development and Allied Professional Annual Conference, Presentation: Is there a Magic Number - Determining the Rural Dwelling House Minimum
- Orange - Cabonne Orchardist Taskforce, Presentation: Planning for Food and Houses
- NSW Farmers Association Hunter & Hawkesbury Horticultural District Council, Presentation: Planning for Food and Houses
- University of Wollongong School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lecture: Fringe Metropolitan and Rural Planning Issues
- NSE Local Government Catchment Management Forum, Presentation: Land Use Planning and Natural Resource Management
- Planning Institute of Australia NSW Division Conference, Blue Mountains. Presentation: Rural Subdivision and Housing
- Planning Institute of Australia National Conference, Sydney. Presentation: Growing Food and Growing Houses
- American Planning Association National Conference, Las Vegas. Presentation: Getting things done in Small Towns
- Hawaii Office of Planning, Honolulu. Presentation: Planning for Food Sustainability
- Innovation and Best Practice in Development Assessment Conference, Sydney. Presentation:Planning for Australia's Food Security
- Planning Institute of Australia NSW Division Conference, Bowral. Presentation: Growing Food in a Residential Landscape
- University of Wollongong School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lecture: Fringe Metropolitan and Rural Planning Issues
- AgriFood Conference, Sydney. Presentation: Planning for Australia's Food Security
- Planning Institute of Australia NSW Food Security Seminar, Sydney. Presentation: Growing Food for Liveable Communities
- NSW Department of Planning Seminar Sydney's Agriculture - Planning for the Future. Presentation: A Planning Perspective on Sydney's Rural Resource Lands for Agriculture - Past, Present and Future
- Environment Development and Allied Professional Annual Conference, Blue Mountains. Presentation: Strategies and the Standard Instrument LEP
- Shepparton City Council 'Your Farm, Your Future Adapting with Confidence Forum. Presentation: Planning for the Future
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment. Lecture: Introduction to Rural Planning Year 1
- Shepparton City Council Dairy, Water and Land Use Workshop. Presentation: Planning for the Future of Rural Land in Shepparton
- Macquarie Univeristy Department of Environment and Geography. Lecture: Planning for Urban Agriculture on Sydney's Fringe
- University of Wollongong School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lecture: Fringe Metropolitan and Rural Planning Issues
- Planning Institute of Australia NSW Division Conference, Newcastle. Presentation: Black Soil and Black Coal - Resource Management in the Namoi Valley
- Sydney Food Fairness Alliance Hungry for a Change Conference, Sydney. Presentations: Planning for Sydney's Food Security. Land Use Planning for Food Security.
- AgriFood Conference, Auckland, New Zealand. Presentation: Planning for Australia's Food Security.
- Henan Provence, China Delegation to Australia, Sydney. Presentation: Metro Fringe Planning
- Planning Institute of Australia Northern NSW Planners Meeting, Kempsey. Presentation: Food Security - A Planner's Role
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment. Lecture: Introduction to Rural Planning Year 1
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Guelph. Presentation: They are all the same: Rural Land Use Patterns in Fringe Metropolitan Areas Compared
- Planning Institute of Australia YP Connect Conference, Christchurch, NZ. Presentation: Building a network by not networking
- Environment Development and Allied Professional Annual Conference, Forbes. Presentation:Preparing LEPs under the Standard Instrument LEP
- Shaping Victoria 2010 - Embracing Rural Change Conference, Shepparton. Presentation: New Directions for Rural Planning in Australia.
- Planning Institute of Australia ACT Young Planners Seminar, Canberra. Presentation: Planning on the Edge of Metropolitan Areas
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment. Lecture: Food Security and Healthy Planning
- Planning Institute of Australia Rural Development Assessment Short Course, Coffs Harbour, Tamworth, Dubbo and Wagga Wagga. Course Director and Lecturer
- Zhejiang Provence, China Delegation to Australia, Canberra. Presentation: Metro Fringe Planning
- Macquarie Univeristy Department of Environment and Geography. Lecture: Planning for Urban Agriculture on Sydney's Fringe
- University of Wollongong School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lecture: Fringe Metropolitan and Rural Planning Issues
- International Urban Design Conference, Canberra. Presentation: Planning for Australia's Food Security
- Planning Institute of Australia NSW Division Conference, Bathurst. Presentation: The LEP Template: is it a tool for Planners?
- University of NSW Faculty of the Built Environment. Lecture: Food Security and Metropolitan Planning
- East Asian Regional Organisation of Planning and Human Settlements Conference, Adelaide. Presentation: Planning for Australia's Food Security
- World Town Planning Day Healthy People, Healthy Planning, Healthy Planet - Integrating Food Systems into the Planning Process. Presentation: Planning for Australia's Food Security
- AgriFood Conference, Churchill, Victoria. Presentation: Planning for Australia's Food Security.
- Parks and Leisure Australia NSW Conference. Presentation: Food Security and Recreation Areas - Growing Togehter
- American Planning Assoication National Conference, Boston USW. Presentation: Using Greenbelts to Contain Sprawl
- iDEA Conference - The Health Implications of Climate Change. Presentation: Food Security and the Public Health Implications of Climate Change
- Planning Institute of Australia Hunter Planners Network Seminar. Presentation: Mines and Vines - Conflicting Strategic Planning Issues
- Environment Development and Allied Professionals Conference. Presentation: Planning the Town
- Royal Town Planning Institute Conference, London UK. Keeping it Local - Planning and the Future Food Supply
- UK Planning Officers Society, Bristol UK. Keeping it Local - Planning and the Future Food Supply
- World Planning Schools Conference, Perth. Presentation: Its all about Location - Planning for the Future of Food
- Planning Institute of Australia Northern NSW Division Seminar. Presentation: Can Agriculture and Mining Co-Exist?
- Planning Institute of Australia Queensland State Conference. Presentation: Contested Landscapes - Planning for Resources
- Macquarie Univeristy Department of Environment and Geography. Lecture: Planning for Urban Agriculture on Sydney's Fringe
- Australian Institute of Urban Studies Seminar. Presentation: Contested Landscapes - Growing Food and Growing Houses
- Northern Rivers Foodlinks Local Government Land Use Planning and Food Security Workshop. Presentation: Threats to our Broadacre Agriculture and Intensive Food Production, What can we do?
- NSW Health Centre for Health Innovation and Partnership Symposium, Community Health and Wellbeing through Multi-Sectoral Partnerships. Presentation: The National Food Plan Implications for Western Sydney
- Sydney Food Fairness Alliance Seminar, Can't Eat Your House - Development threatens Sydney's Foodbowl. Presentation: Contested Landscapes: Growing Food and Growing Houses
- Environment Development and Allied Professionals Conference.Presentation: Impact of Mining and Coal Seam Gas
- Next City Conference: Planning for a New Energy and Climate Future. Presentation: Planning for Food in teh City: Models from Australia, North America and United Kingdom
- Macquarie Univeristy Department of Environment and Geography. Lecture: Planning for Urban Agriculture on Sydney's Fringe
- Agrifood Network Conference, Palmerston North, NZ. Feeding the City of the Future
- 1993 - Royal Australian Planning
Institute Commended for Excellence in Planning - Wollondilly
Agricultural Lands Study
- 1996 - Royal Australian Planning
Institute Commended for Excellence in Planning - Wollondilly Review of Rural Lands
- 2000 - Royal Australian Planning
Institute Commended for Excellence in Planning - A View from the Edge, Issues
in Rural and Fringe Metropolitan Planning, published in New Planner, Magazine of the Planning
Profession in NSW
- "Rural Planning in Australia" - American Planning Association Small Town and Rural
Planning Division News Letter
- "Growing Food and
Growing Houses: Preserving Agricultural Land on the Fringes of Cities" in Robertson, A.I and Watts, R.J (Eds). (1999) Preserving Rural Landscapes:
Issues and Solutions. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne
- "A View
Form the Edge" - Regular Contribution to New Planner, The Magazine of the Planning Profession in NSW.
Topics Covered include:
- Agricultural Land in Sydney
- Rural Land Use Conflict
- Environmental Issues
- Small Town Charrette Workshop
- Catchment Planning
- Legislative Impact
- Strategy Planning
- Dateline USA - Small Towns and Countryside
- Growth Management Strategies for Small Towns
- Noxious Weeds
- What is Sustainable Agriculture?
- Horizontal and Vertical Growth Management
- What is Rural Land?
- Lot Sizes for Agriculture
- The importance of Biodiversity Conservation
- Planning in the USA - the good, the bad and the ugly
- Sustainability Indicators
- Settlement Strategies
- Incentives as a Planning Tool
- Rural Residential Development - Definition
- Rural Residential Development - Impacts
- Lifestyle Living
- Bushfire Risk
- Smart Growth or Smart Living?
- What about Rural Design?
- Sustainable Growth Management in Sydney - The Issues
- Sustainable Growth Management for Sydney's Fringe
- Rural Tourism
- Rural Subdivision Minimums
- Rural LEPs
- Rural Fringe
- Sydney's Rural Land
- Settlement Hierarchies
- Rural Residential Sprawl
- Sydney's Food Security - Issues
- Sydney's Food Security - Policy Responses
Ian has contributed Chapters to 2 books:
- Preserving Rural Landscapes in Planning Australia edited by Susan Thompson and Paul Magin 2nd Editoin and published by Cambridge University Press in 2012
- Growing Food and Growing Houses in Preserving Rural Landscapes: Issues and Solutions edited by Robertson and Watts published by CSIRO Publishing in 1999.
Overseas Study Tours
United States of America and Canada - Rural and Metropolitan
Planning Issues: British Columbia, California and Oregon
United States of America and Canada - Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues: California, Kansas, Michigan, Ontario, Pennsylvania and Tennessee.
United States of America and Canada - Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues: Ontario and Pennsylvania.
United States of America and Canada - Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues:
Illinois, Indiana, Kansas,Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, Vermont and Washington.
United States of America and Canada - Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues:
California, Indiana, Maryland, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Washington DC
United States of America, Canada and New Zealand - Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues:
Wellington, NZ, Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky and Ontario
United States of America and Canada- Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues:
California, Florida, Hawaii, Kansas, Maryland, Oregon, Ontario, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Virginia and Washington.
United States of America and Canada- Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues:
British Columbia, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Ontario and Texas.
United States of America and Canada- Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues:
British Columbia, Pennsylvania, Ontario, California
United States of America and Canada- Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues:
British Columbia,California, Florida, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Washington,
United States of America and Canada- Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues:
California, Louisiana, Ontario
United States of America and Canada- Rural and Metropolitan Planning Issues:
Illinois, Massachusetts, Michegan Maine, Ontario, Wisconsin
United States of America, Canada and United Kingdom - Urban Agriculture and Planning Issues:
Florida, Illinois, London, Ontario, Wisconsin, York